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강성태 영단어 어원편

영단어 어원으로 쉽게 보기

by luckkyu 2019. 2. 1.

영단어 어원으로 쉽게 보기 

최근에 강성태 영단어 어원편 복습리뷰를 마무리 하였습니다.

2019/01/30 - [강성태 영단어 어원편] - 강성태 영단어 어원편 5회독 완료

복습리뷰도 마무리하고 다시 회독을 하고 있던중 도서관에서 여러 어원에 관련된 책들을 볼수 있었는데 그중에서도 예전에 나온책이지만 강성태 영단어 어원편을 다시 회독하기전 읽기 좋은 책을 발견해서 리뷰해볼려고 합니다.

영단어는 외우는게 아닙니다.

책 제목은 영단어는 외우는게 아닙니다.

책이 처음 출시된건 2008년입니다. 아주 오래된 책이니 구입보다는 근처 도서관에서 빌려보시면 될것 같습니다. 

*영단어를 외우지 말라고하지만 결국에는 외워야 합니다.!!

이 책은 강성태 영단어 어원편을 봤다면 진짜 편안하게 읽을 수 있습니다.

어원도 적용되고 비슷한 단어에 관련해서 쉽게 이야기 해주고 있습니다.

아래는 목차입니다. 사실 제가 이 책을 복습할겸 리뷰를 진행할예정입니다.

그러므로 책을 꼭 빌리지 않아도 복습리뷰만 보아도 대부분 이해가 될거라고 생각합니다.

[첫째 날]
just - justice - judge - prejudice - adjust
mini - miniskirt - miniature - minute - minimize - minimum
mini - diminish - minister - administration
fat - fate - fatal - fatigue
road - broad - abroad - board - aboard - load
police officer(s) - polite - polish - policy - Metropolice
restroom - rest - rest - arrest
press - express - pressure - impress - impressive - depress - depression - suppress - oppress
serve - servant - service - reserve - reservation - preserve - preservative(s)
serve - conserve - conservative - deserve - observe
her - heir - inherit - inherent - heritage
parent(s) - apparent - appear - transparent - transfer - patent
count - discount - account - account for - accountant
price - precious - appreciate - depreciate
flow - fluent - affluent - superfluous - fluid - influenza - influence - influx - fluctuate
cup - occupy - occupation - accept - receipt - receive

[둘째 날]
APT - apt - adapt - aptitude - attitude - altitude - latitude - longitude
table - stable - unstable - establish
alarm - arms - arm - alert
computer - dispute - reputation - alternative - shift
Internet - wireless - access - process - excess - excessive - recession
enter - entertain - entertainment - enterprise
sent - sentimental - consent - consensus - sense - sensitive - assent
note - notice - notice - notify - notorious
author - authentic - authority - authorities
film - firm - infirm - confirm
side - reside - resident - president - subside

[셋째 날]
point - point - appoint - appointment - disappoint
cap - captain - capital - gap
capture - captivate - capacity - capable
final - finish - finite - define - definition - definitely - confine - fine - refine
event - eventually - invent - inventory - prevent - convention - conventional - convenient
select - elect - elective - collect - recollect - neglect - eligible
video - evident - evidence - provident - provide - prudent - prudential
rice - price - prize - appraise
pan - company - companion - accompany
apple - sample - ample - amplify - apply - applicant
banana - ban - banish - abandon
orange - range - arrange - arrangement - rank

[넷째 날]
brother - bother - bridge - branch - bracelet - embrace
sign - signature - significant - assign - assignment
boiler - boil - broil - embroil
treatment - treat - retreat - entreat - treaty - portrait - trait
one - united - unique - unification - unanimous
two - double - doubt - doubtful - duplicate
problem - probe - prove - approve
touch - contact - contagious - attach - tag
sit - site - sight - eyesight - sightseeing - Sat. - satellite - satisfy
secret - secretary - sacred - sacrifice - sanction
close - enclose - disclose - include - exclude - conclude - preclude - seclude - isolate 

[다섯째 날]
vacation - vacuum - vacant - vacancy - evacuate
stick - sticker - stick to
stick - stir - stir up - instigate - instinct
package - backpack - pack - compact
horror - horrible - horrify - abhor
terror - terrible - terrify - deter - deteriorate
visit - visa - revise - supervise - supervisor
bank - bankrupt - interrupt - corrupt - abrupt
terminal - term - terminate - exterminate - determine
bound - rebound - boundary - abound - abundant
have - behave - habit - hobby - inhabit - exhibit
swim - swing - switch - sweep - sway - swift
man - command - demand - demanding - commend - recommend
pose - propose - purpose - expose - deposit
attract - distract - extract - abstract - contract

[여섯째 날]
spring - sprout - spirit - respire - expire - inspire - perspire - aspire - conspire
world cup - assist - insist - persist - resist
tent - pretend - intend - potent - potential - content
dome - domain - domestic - dominate
KBS - broadcast - cast - forecast - overcast - downcast
quiz - require - inquire - acquire - acquired
volume - enroll - revolve - involve - evolve - develop
mission - permission - dismiss - miss
ten - attend - attention - tension - extension - extend
solve - solution - absolute - resolve - resolution
band - bend - bind - bond - bundle - combine
do - due - due to - overdue - duty - on duty - off duty - duty
tempo - temporary - contemporary - tempt - attempt
short - shy - shame - shock - shrimp - shrink
insert - exert - assert - desert - dessert - dissertation

[일곱째 날]
clinic - climb - incline - decline - recline
prison - comprehend - comprehension - apprehend
ear - hear - earn - year - yearn
part - department - depart - partial - impartial
ache - headache - toothache - stomachache - backache - pain
nurse - nurture - nourish - nutrition
strong - structure - construct - destruct - obstruct - instruct
turn - tornado - torture - torment - disturb
act - active - activate - acute - sharp - exact - react - transact
same - resemble - assemble - similar - simultaneous
test - contest - testify - testimony - detest
sure - ensure - insure - insurance - assure