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강성태 영단어 어원편

영단어 어원으로 쉽게보기 day1

by luckkyu 2019. 2. 1.

영단어 어원으로 쉽게보기 day1

영단어 어원

영단어는 외우는게 아닙니다.”


단어 just

어근 jus-/jud- 올바른, 정의 = right

접두사 in = not

어근 jud- 판단

접두사 pre- 미리, 먼저 = before


단어 mini 1

어근 min- 작은, minu-(mini의 변형)


단어 mini 2


단어  fat

Fat/ fate/fatal / fatigue

단어 road

Road/ broad/ abroad/ board / aboard / load

단어 pol

l  How do you polish your shoes every day?

l  Honesty is he best policy

l  Store policy is not to give refunds.

Police officer(s)/ polite / polish / policy / metropolis

단어 rest 휴식, 나머지

l  I need to get some rest

l  Rest in peace?

l  The whole gang was arrested



Restroom/ rest/ arrest

단어 press 누르다


l  I try to suppress my appetite

l  The police suppressed terrorism

l  Don’t oppress freedom of speech

Press/ express /pressure / impress / impressive/ depress / depression / suppress / oppress

단어 serve 1 지키다, 간직하다 = keep , 봉사하다

어근 serve 지키다,주의를 기울이다. 간직하다

접두사 re =  back, again

Serve / servant /service / reserve / reservation / preserve / preservative(s)

어원 serve 2 주위를 기울이다

Serve / conserve / conservative/ deserve/ observe

단어 her

어근 her = 달라붙다(stick)

Her / heir / inherit / inherent / heritage

단어 parents, apparentappear 나타나다, 보이다 에서 나옴

어근 –pear = 보이다(show)

Parent(s)/ apparent/ appear / transparent / transfer / patent

단어 count

There is no accounting for tastes.

Count/ discount / account / account for accounting department / accountant

어원 price , preci-

l  I really appreciate your help

l  I love to appreciate classical music

Price/ precious/ appreciate/ depreciate

어원 flow, flu- = 흐르다

l  I think the debate is very superfluous

l  Drink lots of fluids and get plenty of sleep

l  My boyfriend got the flu

l  Oil prices have fluctuated sharply in recent weeks.

Flow/ fluent / affluent/ superfluous/ fluid/ influenza/ influence/ influx/ fluctuate

어원 cup = take 의미가 있음

l  Please state your occupation

l  We accept visa, master

l  I received an e-mail from my friend yesterday

Cup/ occupy/ occupation/ accept/ receipt/ receive

어원 serve